2 ways to make your goals inevitable
There are three stages of belief.
The first stage, is impossibility.
This is where you do not believe it is even possible for you to create that goal that you want it.
For me, impossibility is just disbelief.
But when I noticed that my feeling is impossible, I noticed that there’s a part of me that believes that I don’t have what it takes to create that result.
Because my brain thinks it’s impossible it means that there is a way to make it happen, but just not for me. But that’s a good thing.
Because if it if there is a way to make it happen, I can figure it out.
That’s a good thing, because it means that I just have to some work to do.
The second stage of belief is possibility.
When I think and feel possibility, I feel the belief that I can make it happen.
I believe not only that there is a way, but I can figured the way to create it.
I believe that one day it will happen, but just haven’t got all my ducks in a row.
The third stage of belief is inevitability.
When I feel inevitable it is grounded, it is certain, it is happening.
I may not have figured out exactly how to make it happen and I may not know exactly when it will happen, but I do believe it will happen.
I believe I will have it. So when I go into inevitability and believe that it will happen for me, I then create some thing my mentor calls do you goals goals.
A do goal is not just a concept that we have in our mind of things we would like to accomplish, but they are actually the action steps that we need to take to create the results.
They are a structured way of taking massive action.
Do goals have three steps;
step one, write what you want to accomplish down.
Step two, prioritize the three top things that you want to accomplish in the next 90 days. Be as clear and as specific as possible.
Step three, once you have a list organize and schedule when you will do the action steps.
Fill out on your schedule what and when you’re going to do things.
The most important part of this process is scheduling when you’re going to do things and honoring your commitment to yourself.
Honoring your commitment to yourself is what will your goals inevitable.
Consistently keeping your word to yourself and taking the steps that will be needed to create the result is the most important part of this process.
If you need help creating do goals or scheduling your do goals or keeping your commitments to yourself, schedule a consultation with me.
I can help you create a relationship with yourself that not only creates massive action plans, do goals, schedules, consistently, keeping your commitments to yourself and creating the results that you want, but one that blows your mind consistently. Most people know what to do, the problem is actually going from step to step and holding themselves accountable and creating the results that they want.
This is my area of expertise and I can help you.