Creating more clients by being interesting in marketing.

Three of my clients have asked to be coached on a similar thing: creating more clients by being interesting in their marketing.

Society teaches us that interesting is the flashy influencers type of posts that will be the key to drawing people in.

Or the lifestyle of the rich and the famous that make people interested.

Or worse, the shock and awe tactics used by the media or bait and switch companies.

They believed they had to use these techniques and thought that their marketing would not work Or any reach they were having was not good enough.

They were feeling ineffective and insecure with what they were currently doing.

They compare themselves to other people in their industry and on social media.

They hide and mute their messages and how they could help their people.

They played small and left so many people unserved, thus not earning what they could earn.

There are a few problems with this type of thinking.  

1. What inspires people to hire us and work with us is our belief we can help them. When we believe we can help them, we inspire them to take action. We show them how we can help them understand the value of working with us. When we focus on ourselves and do not believe we can help our people, we mute how to help them and blend into the background.

2. These tactics may capture our people’s attention. Still, marketing and serving our people go beyond the first attention to retaining the attention to move along our marketing to becoming our paid customers and keeping them as customers. When we show up authentically, and in service, we add value to the lives of the people we serve, which goes beyond any marketing tactic.

3. When we are spending time on our images or posts, we miss that we are here to serve our people in our new and different way. We forget to spend time on the solution they are looking for and show them we can help them by actually helping them.

4. When we are comparing and feeling ineffective, we miss that all we need to do is show the people we want to help that our way works and creates results; the reason they are looking for the solution in the first place. When we give them something that works, they will have results in their lives and want to work with us for more results.

5. When we spend time learning the latest tricks and tactics, we are not spending time clarifying our message and to whom we are talking. We spend time just trying new things instead of evaluating what we are currently doing and its effectiveness. The clearer we become, the more our person sees us, gets interested in us, gets mini results, and eventually hires us to solve their main problem.

I help my clients make more money in less time and energy by creating systems in their business that work and create the results they want.

If you are ready to make money by spending your time in activities that make money, I can help you.

Let us schedule a consultation session.


One emotion and pattern I see with struggling businesswomen costing them the energy to make money is that they feel trapped


How persistent are you?