Do you have constant thoughts like "I cannot do it"?
When I was stuck in my business, I would have the thought “I cannot do this.”
Every time I went for a goal, my brain would have tons of doubts that I could not do this.
It would find evidence why other people could do it, but not me.
Even if I took action, it came from a place of doubting that I could do it, so the action was half, faking, not really how I wanted to show up in the world, and not be sustainable.
The results I created, was to prove the thought I cannot do this.
I learned along this journey that “I cannot do this” was just a thought that everybody has.
I accepted the thought and choose change my thoughts to “maybe, I can do this”.
My feeling was determined.
The actions I took from the feeling of determined were, learning how to take action, trying, putting things out into the world see what happened, creating progress.
The results I created were proof and evidence to support the thoughts and show that I could do it.
Now my thought is “of course, I can do this”!
My feeling is resolved. And I take massive action where even if I experience failure I make it mean that this is growth and progress.
I am creating tons of proof and evidence that I can do this.
If you are experiencing thoughts like “you cannot do this”, I can help!
I help my clients bridge the gap from where they are stuck in self-doubt to where they are creating the business of their dreams.
Schedule a consultation session and see how you already can do it and how you can create proof and evidence to back that up.