Do you know you can be a very hard worker, always busy, and still be an underearning?

Below are some common myths about underearners that you may be experiencing.

1. Underearners are people who underwork.

Underearners may be some of the busiest, hard-working people you may have encountered. This may include you. They may be the person you see doing everything, volunteering their time, working overtime or multiple jobs, and being on all the committees. When I was an underearning, I was the first to raise my hand and volnteree to do everything for my employer. I believed the more productive and busy I was, the more money I would earn.

2. Underearers are people who are underachievers.

On the contrary, they are almost always overachievers but associate overachieving

with accomplishing many things. The mistake is not linking the achieving with our

earning protentional.

3. Underearners are people who have a low income.

The key to being an underearner is earning less than we want to and that we expect or

know we can earn. Thus our earning potential. An underearner can earn a million

dollars a year, but their earning potential is ten million dollars a year.

4. Underearners have low self-esteem or low self-concept.

One can have a high self-concept and still give their power away to others. They may know their worth and value and still not know their full worth and value by giving their power away to people, places and things or thinking their power is based on things outside them.

5. Underearners do not think of money or overspending.

Underearners think of money more than people who earn what they can earn because of their relationship with money. Underearners spend money to avoid their thoughts and feelings about money or start a business, work overtime, or get second and third jobs because of their belief about money.

When we work smarter, we understand why and where we are underearning, so we can change our patterns and earn what we want to earn.

Ready to work smarter and stop underearning? Schedule a consultation call today.


What do you do when you are stuck, doing the same thing and not moving forward?


We work smarter when we understand if we are underearning