I believe everyone gets 100 quarts a day, and we spend it every day just like time.

I love using analogies, and one I use to create a visual for my clients is that we all start our day with 100 quarts of energy.

I believe everyone gets 100 quarts a day, and we spend it every day just like time.

And just like time, how we use it will create our experience of it and how accomplished we feel at the end of the day.

Like time, we can borrow from our future selves by not making decisive decisions today and putting them off for our future selves to solve.

And just like money, we can get into energy debt by putting off what we can do today for tomorrow or borrowing from tomorrow’s energy by how we spend our night and sleep.

Or, just like time, we can use it in ways that have them being spent without a finished product or movement toward our goals.

Benign things like how we approach relationships, people pleasing, having manuals, emotional childhood, emotional manipulation, procrastination, and self-sabotage can deplete our energy bank.

Another way is how we experience emotions; resisting, avoiding, and compounding emotions can impact how we spend the quarts of energy.

When I disclose these patterns to my clients, and they see why they are tired or even burnt out, they

can make lasting changes that impact every area of their lives.

And because how we do one thing is how we do everything, once my clients stop spending their

energy reserves in one relationship, every single relationship, including the one with time, money, their business, and themselves uplevels.

These adjustments have my clients living fuller lives AND creating their goals faster.

Where are you spending your quarts of energy, and what would happen if you invested them for a brighter future?

I can help you.


Making decisive decision regarless of the worst-case scenario


Buffering in business