What business are you building; recreating the one you have or a new one?
I believe the thoughts, feelings and actions I am taking today, is what will create the life and business I will have six months to a year from now.
Think about it, if everything you are doing is creating your future, then the thoughts, feelings and actions you’re taking today will create the life and business you want a year from six months to a year from now.
So, are the thoughts, feelings and actions you are taking today going to create the life and business you want in the future?
What are the thoughts, feelings and actions can you take today to ensure that you are living the life and business you want?
Think about the compound effect, and how just 10 to 15 minutes a day can change the trajectory of your life and your business six months to a year from now.
Think about if you ate one bar of ice cream every single day, how that would impact your health six months to a year from now?
Think about how one 15 minute walk a day can impact your health six months to a year from now.
Think about one conversation you can have every single day that can impact the clients and the revenue you will have six months to a year from now.
Think about the one powerful thought you can pick up a day that can change your life and your business six months to a year from now.
I want you to visualize that, for me it blows my mind!
For me it keeps me intentional and deliberate in what I think, feel and do every day.
For me it keeps me networking, meeting as many people as I can, telling them what I do, and making offers to help.
For me it keeps me showing up and doing the work without seeing the instant results, because I know without a doubt six months to a year from now my business will be at a very different place.
What do you want your business and like to look like six months from now?
And what are you doing today to prepare for that life and business?
We don't have control over the past, but we have impact on our future.
If you need help, I can help reach out to me.
We can schedule a consultation, to find where you are and where you want to go, and how to bridge the gap to the other side.