What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want in your life?
What do you want to create if you allow yourself to feel the shame or guilt that comes after you admit you want it?
Looking past the shame or guilt that others may not or cannot have what you want?
What would you admit you want?
This honesty is brutal for most of us to acknowledge.
We hide or shy away from admitting we want things and stop when we encounter shame or guilt.
Be it from our thoughts or what we think others will think about our wants.
We are allowed to want what we want AND have what we want to.
The feelings are based on what we make our desires mean.
Our emotions come from our thoughts and never from our wants.
Our wants are neutral and bring some people shame and guilt AND other people pride and enjoyment because it is never the wants that drive our feeling.
When we miss what creates our feelings AND we can want what we want, we work harder and longer than necessary.
If you are ready to admit to yourself that you want what you want AND create what you want without working harder or longer than necessary, I can help you.