6 Relationship tips I used to make more money without working harder or longer
Our relationship with our business is just like any other relationship and can be changed by only one person changing.
I have been in business in one form or another for 25 years, AND I have been married for 25 years.
Below are some problems we experience in relationships and how I have chosen to approach them to create a loving and close relationship.
We are blaming the other for how we are feeling. This looks like blaming our spouse for our feeling versus taking full responsibility for our emotions based on what they said or did. When we take full responsibility AND drop the blame, we drop a ton of resentment. We get to see what clear boundaries are and how we will honor our boundaries. In business, we blame our company for things it cannot do; for example, you want 20 clients, take full responsibility and make it happen.
Expecting the other person to do it perfectly, judging them against the expectations and missing who they are and what they are doing. I am a recovering perfectionist, and I used to expect me, my spouse, and my business to be perfect, AND none were meeting the high manuals, and I was frustrated. As I have become aware, I accept our human flaws, admit our weaknesses, and acknowledge when we are doing the best we can with the information we have. In business, assuming it will meet me where I am, every time I step up, it does too. (I am so fortunate to have the same blessing with my husband).
I was telling lies to myself, my spouse, or my business. White little lies will not hurt anyone but cause pain and resentment. Lies block the abundance and intimacy we experience. In business, it can be a small lie like not following through on what you said you would do or not honoring your end of the agreement because it’s so small no one will notice, BUT it adds up and becomes the norm.
People-pleasing. My mentor tells people-pleasers are liars. As a recovering people pleaser, I would lie and think if I did this, then the other party should do what I wanted them to do. I was not honoring myself, and the other parties did not know what I wanted as I was not being honest with myself. When I dropped the people-pleasing and the secret if I do this, then you should do that, I was real, and they knew what I was expecting clearly, and they met me where I was. In business, we lie to ourselves and do things, like I want a professional income, but I work 10 to 20 hours, not evaluate and adjust and show up as a professional. Or we show up and excepting our business to be a certain way or believe if I do that you should, yet we don't have the systems in place for it to meet us.
Expecting others to do what we are not willing to do. This one was a big one. I expected them to change, do the heavy lifting, create comfort and safety for me, ALL while I was not doing it for them or me. “If it's so easy for them, why don't you do it first” was what my mentor told me once. If it is so easy for them to accept your goals, dreams, and new you, are you getting that they are not comfortable with the change and lack of security of business? Are you expecting your business to do something that you are unwilling to do? Say it provide customers while sitting on the couch? If it's so easy, why don't you do it and see what happens?
We are expecting others to be different from they are. This one is a collection of all those mentioned above BUT needs to be discussed again. When we think others should be different, we cannot love, accept, acknowledge or appreciate them for WHO they are. We don't see them for them and miss how amazing they already are. We love them for them and hopefully not for who we think they should be. In business, when we love it because one day it will be a big business that provides us a high income, we don't love and care for it at the different stages and when it needs more from us.
The above is hard, but very easy when we accept any relationship to grow, we get the honor of doing the work first and leading the way.
The more effective we become in relationships, the more we become, and we can take it to any relationship or business we want.
These are skills and can be built over time. Every time I uplevel my skills, my experiences, and results uplevel as well.
Schedule a consultation call and start making more money in less time and energy while enjoying your relationships.