Are you costing yourself time, money and success?
One way that we cost ourselves time and money, is by spinning in confusion because we discounted ourselves.
This looks like; not believing that WE can have what we want but still kinda putting something out into the world to prove that we were right.
The actions are there, but just to tick the box and then say “see I told you, I cannot have it or I am not good enough.”
Sometimes the action yields a result, but we dismiss it because it was a fluke “it was not supposed to happen.”
Then we discount what we created and spin even more in confusion.
The result is we take even less action or stop working in our business because we need the story “we are not good enough.”
The action or the results will only have us digging our heels in to prove that thought and prove ourselves right.
The key is to question that story.
Why did we need to believe “we are not good enough?”.
Why did we decide that was true, and now we are just gathering proof and evidence for it?
Can we honor that once-needed story but decide it's not required anymore?
Can we accept that the story served us, but it is now hurting us?
We are enough and have always been enough.
Just because we were once mistaken does not mean we have to keep that story.
It was a thought error that once served us, but is now hurting us.
I help my clients see this pattern and choose on purpose what they are going to think about themselves in the future.
If you are exhausted with this ineffective cycle, I can help you. Schedule a consultation call and learn how you are costing you time and money.