Could your interpretations of words be costing you time, money and success?
Understanding our cultural interpretation of words can make a huge difference in our lives and thus the experiences we have in the world and our businesses.
We are taught in personal development to take full responsibility for our thought, feelings, actions, and thus the results we are creating in the world.
Sounds fantastic and straightforward.
I thought so too for years until I noticed that my understanding of responsibility meant the need for blaming.
When I saw it, my understanding and association in my brain went from taking responsibility to taking the action of blaming so that we could fix the problem.
My default thinking was that something had to have gone wrong for us to take responsibility, and we needed to fix it by blaming and shaming, so we could not repeat it.
So interesting enough, I avoided and skirted taking full responsibility and creating awareness because it would mean I would blame myself and fix myself.
I avoided reviewing and evaluating patterns, thus creating changes and desired growth.
All felt heavy and something I needed to avoid.
But when I saw this pattern and noticed that this interpretation was not producing the desired result, I was empowered to look at what I wanted to make taking responsibility mean.
If I come from love, empowerment, and reprogrammed my brain to look at it from the most compassionate and graceful place, blame was not in the picture.
I choose to look at taking responsibility as a clean and loving thing.
Once my body and I unconditionally trusted me, and it was safe to create pure awareness from clean responsibility, my relationship with myself grew stronger.
The most loving and compassionate conversations have been happening, which in turn fuel actions that I always wanted for ease and fun.
I could easily extend the same grace and love to others in my life, thus creating more collaborative and creative relationships.
If you, too, have a pattern of blaming, let’s find what you believe blame will fix or avoid.
Let’s find your interpretations of words, and let us replace them with more effective and impactful variations that will take you to where you want to go.
Schedule a consultation call, and let us have an honest and loving conversation.