Negative reinforcement works UNTIL it does not work.
Negative reinforcement works UNTIL it does not work.
My clients have a strong history of using negative reinforcement to create their goals in the past.
They have tons of proof and evidence when it worked from their family of origin and maybe during their college days.
Unfortunately, negative reinforcement only works when we are driven by external motivation like avoiding punishment, failing, survival or taking care of your four basic needs; food, shelter, clothing and utilities.
Negative reinforcement does not work for internal-driven desires like building a business you want.
For example; negative reinforcement works when you have a medical diagnoses that requires you to lose weight, eat healthy and work out.
However, it will not work when you want to lose weight to be healthier or fit in a outfit you like.
My clients will try to use negative reinforcement to create their dreams and struggle because it does not work.
I help my clients reprogram their brains and patterns from using negative reinforcement to using more effective tools and skills that guarantees they create their goals without working harder than necessary.
If you have tried using old tools and skills that worked at one time, but now are only fustrautaing and exhausting you, I can help you.
Watch a reply of a training I did and learn ways you are working harder and longer than necessary to create your dream business.