Hard-working struggling businesswomen take a ton of action to allow us to think or feel a certain way.

One pattern I see with hard-working, struggling businesswomen is we take a ton of action to allow ourselves to think or feel a certain way.

If we watched ourselves for a day, we would be impressed by how busy we were.

Our to-do list is full of actions to be taken for our business, or our family, or other people.

The problem is not what we are doing but how we are doing it.

We go to our actions if we need something to change or improve.

We ask ourselves what we can do differently, and the answer is in our actions.

Maybe by adding more actions or doing the actions, we are already doing differently.

The problem is not what we are doing or how we are doing it, but what we think or feel about ourselves and the reasons for doing the actions.

For example, setting a goal to feel worthy and hoping we will feel worthy by achieving it, and then taking action to make us feel worthy.

This has us advocating our feeling of worthiness to something outside us or our actions.

So if we are not creating the goal or the feeling of worthiness from the external thing, our solution is to change the goal or change the actions to create the feeling of worthiness.

My job as our coach is to teach us how to feel worthy and set the goal from the feeling of worthiness; thus, all actions that come are already from the feeling of worthiness.

This method increases the chances of creating the goals we want and has us enjoying the journey as we create our goals.

Any action we take communicates the feeling of worthiness to ourselves and anyone receiving the actions.

Different decisions are made, and if they are different actions, we already come from the energy of worth.

If you are ready to learn how to believe you are already worthy, I have done it and I can help you.


One place I see struggling businesswomen get stuck is making challenges a problem


One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and look for answers to their problems outside them.