One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and look for answers to their problems outside them.
One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and look for answers to their problems outside them.
A client will come to me and ask for a book, podcast, lesson, or guru to help them solve something in their life or business.
When I help them explore the real problem, what the cause of the problem was and what they think the solution may be.
They are always surprised by the cause of the problem, AND the solution was already inside them all along.
They already had the answers to take the next action but did not trust themselves and their intuition.
Do not get me wrong, there is always room for learning more and picking up Pearls of wisdom from others, but finding the solution to the real problem starts with going inside.
Clients will say, “I don’t know,” but when I ask them, “what if you knew?” their creativity and genuineness come out.
I also love to ask my clients, “I wonder what would happen, “ and my client's wisdom, creativity, and genuineness always blow my mind as, most of the time, the fantastic combination was beyond even my educated and creative mind.
So, I wonder what would happen if you believed you already had the solution to your problem?
I wonder where you would spend your time, money, and energy if you trusted your intuition and listened to them carefully for its wisdom.
Schedule a consultation to learn how to tap into your wisdom and intuition