We can do amazing things while scared
I’m freaking scared.
I’m feeling fear in my body.
I’m shaking all over and my amazing coach is lovingly holding space for me.
I’m still scared and crying.
I’m so scared and trying to reassure my body and me that I can do this and I can trust me and my coach, but I cannot and ask to come out of feeling my emotions.
The story I have is that making the wrong decision will mean death and it will hurt the people I love.
The story I have is death is the end and there is nothing on the other side.
The story I have is death will mean I failed not only me but the ones who depend on me.
I cry. My coach continues to hold space for me and says something that changes my life forever “it’s ok, nothing has gone wrong here. Here is where you just choose to tell a different story”.
Like what?
My thoughts and fear is just a story?
Well my friends, yes it is.
Me sitting there in front of my amazing coach is just a series of events that have blown my mind.
The journey I am on started after my Grandma Ruth died and because of the amazing relationship I had with her before she died and most importantly, the relationship I have with her since she died.
Strong urges, decisions and intuitions, that had me sitting across from my beautiful coach.
So death is not the end, it can be the beginning.
Death is an opportunity for new beginnings.
I hurt my loved ones unconditionally when I am alive and I will hurt them when I die.
And I can be ok with it all.
I can be sad and scared and still feel and process the emotions.
I can question all my stories and I can retell them.
The fact I feel fear means I’m alive and experiencing life.
The fact I feel fear is just an opportunity to be curious and find the stories I have chosen in the past and I can choose to trust the process and me.
So I have decided to make friends with my fear, feel it and appreciate it as the fact I’m here on this side and living.
I have also chosen to up level my living and see how much I can milk from this living experience.
Join me as I do scary shit surrounded by amazing women and coaches who are doing scary shit and living life to its fullest.