Business can be fun and easy!!

When I struggled with business, I used to think “business was hard and only a few unicorns could do it”.

I would feel defeated and would try to take some of the actions, I knew I should take.

The sad part was any positive or negative answers I got when I tried, were always proof and evidence to support the thoughts I had about business.

I looked at everything I learnt through the lens of ‘business has to be hard” or “they (the successful ones) have something special or a secret.”

Now I know business can be fun and easy.

If you can sell one product, you can sale 100!!


Make offers to more people! It’s that simple.

Yes, you will hear more “no’s”, but you will get more “yeses”.

Question: why are you afraid hearing “no’s”?

What are you making it mean about you?

This is where having a chat with me can be very effective and change the results you get.

Everything else that comes up, is why you have not sold 100 or 1000 items (whatever your goal is).

Those thoughts and fells are so powerful, and they WILL derail your progress and growth.

They will be the reason you don’t get the results you want.

Those thoughts left unchecked will be the difference between you creating your goals and you not creating your goals.

Most people think it will take more time or more money but think of the time and money you are wasting by not making your goals and the income you can make.

When I do this work, I am always amazed by some of the thoughts and feelings that are still in my brain and that are not helping me create all the clients and sales I can have.

Some of the thoughts seem so innocent.

Others are negative, as my brain loves to go to shame me, because it thinks it will motivate me to do more.

It never works.

Sometimes I find thoughts that may inspire one person but stall me.

Finding those thoughts and feeling and consciously picking new thoughts is the key to selling 100 or 1000 items.

Trust me, there is no such thing as a sales unicorn, just people who have thoughts that lead them to talking to more people and be willing to hear no.

Schedule a no obligation consultation to identify where there is room for more fun and how easy it is to create more results.  


Next time you need a break from your business, ask yourself why


Common missed area that will increase your sales