Overcoming Emotional Resistance: Embrace Your True Potential (Part 3)
Do you often say, “I intellectually get that BUT…”? As immigrant businesswomen, you might be resisting or avoiding emotions, leading to mental and emotional exhaustion. Let’s explore how to overcome emotional resistance and avoidance to achieve your goals.
Are you unconsciously resisting emotions by pushing them away?
Are you avoiding emotions by telling yourself more knowledge will solve them?
Are you making emotions mean something personal and creating a story about them?
Emotional Resistance: I teach you that emotions and feelings have energy. When we push them away, we cause ourselves more exhaustion. Understanding this helps you manage emotions better.
Avoidance: I help you create a safe relationship to process emotions so that you can do the uncomfortable things. Your goals and desires matter, and emotions are part of the process.
Understanding Emotions: I help you understand that humans have emotions. Our thoughts create most of the emotions, and we can learn from them to take inspired and aligned action.
Imagine no longer resisting or avoiding your emotions, but instead using them to fuel your actions and achieve your goals. This will lead to a more fulfilling and successful life with less mental and emotional exhaustion.
Download our FREE eBook to overcome emotional resistance and avoidance.