Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

One of the most common thoughts I coach my clients on is, “It is not working.”

One of the most common thoughts I coach my clients on is, “It is not working.”

When my clients think this, they feel disappointed and defeated and want to avoid or blame their business.

This one thought keeps them spinning in disappointment and defeated, and sometimes they will say, “I am stuck” or “I feel stuck”.

The most hardworking and determined clients will start looking for more things to do to solve the problem and identify more things to do, change or adjust, but from the emotions of disappointment and defeat.

When I coach them, my first question will be, “What is “it” and what does “not working mean”?

When we identify these two things, we consider what they can do differently in their actions, thoughts, and feelings.  I am always amazed by their uniqueness and creativity from this simple clarification.

Some clients will look focus on their thoughts and beliefs.

Other clients will look at the value they are already bringing and increase the value in what they are doing.

Other clients will find ways to streamline their marketing and make it easier for people to understand how their service or product can help their people.

In comparison, another client will increase their offers or clean up their niche.

And these are just some of the amazing ways my clients have gone from disappointed and defeated to inspired, determined, and committed in one call with me.

Working smarter is more than doing more things or doing them faster.

Working smarter is asking different questions, thinking different thoughts, feeling different emotions, and sometimes doing different things.

Working smarter includes eliminating the “stuck,” getting things flowing, and creating more results faster.

If you are ready to start working smarter and not harder, I can help you. Schedule a consultation call today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Hope pretends to be a powerful emotion covered in a cloak of positivity, but it causes us to work harder and longer than necessary.

No one works harder than a hard-working woman who uses the emotion of hope to create the life they want. Hope pretends to be a powerful emotion covered in a cloak of positivity, but it causes us to work harder and longer than necessary.

No one works harder than a hard-working woman who uses the emotion of hope to create the life they want.

Hope pretends to be a powerful emotion covered in a cloak of positivity, but it causes us to work harder and longer than necessary.

Hope is one of my default emotions, and I usually need to check in with myself and my body regularly to ensure I am not using hope to create the life and business I want.

When I fall into the feeling of hope, I notice that I will either not take action or, in my brain, wishing and praying something or someone outside me will be different or take action.

When I am feeling hopeful, I notice that my go-to activities are signing up for another program, buying another book, gathering knowledge, and hoping someone in the world can solve my path to creating what I want.

When I learned my relationship with the feeling of hope was not inspiring intentional actions, I started choosing more empowering emotions like commitment, determined, confidence, and resolved.

From these emotions, I naturally find myself taking massive action, including evaluating the results I create to see if my actions could be even more effective.

From these emotions, I notice the ease of fully owning my success, future, and the life I want to create.

I choose to work on myself and who I am becoming in the world, which also fuels more intentional and deliberate actions.

Unfortunately, hoping sometimes works, and we can think of people who hoped life would be better, and it did.

The problem is that hoping, wishing, and praying does not work, creating resentment in the external thing we were looking to create the desired result.

Want to learn how to create more intentional and massive action fueling emotions like commitment, determination, confidence, and resolve? I can support you.

Schedule a consultation today and start working smarter.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

We work smarter when we choose to make decisions and practice making more powerful decisions.

We work smarter when we choose to make decisions and practice making more powerful decisions.

Decisions are a way for us to work smarter as they help us create the lives and businesses we want without working longer or harder than necessary.

We work smarter when we choose to make decisions and practice making more powerful decisions.

Decisions are a way for us to work smarter as they help us create the lives and businesses we want without working longer or harder than necessary.

When we make decisions, we give ourselves the power to inspire aligned thoughts, feelings, and actions that will support us as we create the highest versions of ourselves.

Below are six ways we cause ourselves to work harder and longer than necessary.

1. When we do not make decisions and live on autopilot based on decisions made years ago.

When we think we must keep the same decisions a younger version of ourselves made 25 years ago, we obligate ourselves or our future self to choices that may not be aligned with our current self. We cause our present self feel resentful and unmotivated to show up as our best selves. We do not need to be married to the same person, live in the same house, follow the same career path, etc. But why would the current self choose it? Why would the current you decide to be married to the same person? Would the current you choose the same house? Would the current you choose the same career? Why or why not. Sometimes the answer is yes, and sometimes no. Just make sure you like your reasons for the you you are today.

2. Thinking there is a right or wrong decision.

The key to working smarter is learning that there are no right or wrong decisions but how we think about them.

3. We don’t make decisions ahead of time or honor them if we make them.

Making decisions ahead of time is using our highest brain to determine what our future self will do, and we build our relationship with ourselves when we set our future self up to succeed and then follow through with our word to ourselves.

4. Not making decisions as we think some decisions will be mistakes or lead to failures.

We are either winning or learning. When we make decisions, we will either get the result we want or learn so much about

ourselves and the process.

5. Thinking that the emotions that come after we make a decision mean it is wrong.

All decisions come with emotions; sometimes, emotions are a gift to reveal our current relationship with ourselves.

6. Thinking that making decisions takes time.

We make decisions in a second. Any time that came before we made the decision was most likely because of one or more of the prior beliefs about decision-making.

Ready to start working smarter by making powerful decisions? I am here to support you. Schedule a consultation call today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

What do you do when you are stuck, doing the same thing and not moving forward?

What do you do when you are stuck, doing the same thing and not moving forward?

What do you do when your ideas, knowledge, and wisdom are not creating the desired results?

Before working with me, most of the clients would tell me – “the solution is to think of other things to do.”

What do you do when you are stuck, doing the same thing and not moving forward?

What do you do when your ideas, knowledge, and wisdom are not creating the desired results?

Before working with me, most of the clients would tell me – “the solution is to think of other things to do.”

Their solution is to use their brains to think of or cultivate more thoughts of things or actions to do.

Therefore, doing more of the same things that brought them where they are now, exhausted or burnt out from all the thinking and doing.

My most recent transformation did not come from more thoughts or more actions but from feeling my emotions.

The thought, feeling, and action cycle includes the feelings part.

Most exhausted and burnout individuals miss the valuable and amazing feelings part of the thought, feeling, and action cycle.

When I tried to over-action to try to bypass the feelings part of the thought, feelings, and action cycle, it left me missing the value of the feelings and how they play a part in all my results or lack thereof.

When I started connecting with my body and emotions by acknowledging them, feeling them, processing them, and allowing them to be part of the thought, feeling, and action cycle, my results flowed easier and faster.

This transformation of allowing feelings to be part of the work is how my clients and I start working smarter and not harder.

Working smarter includes feelings and using all aspects of the thought, feelings, and actions cycle.

Working smarter includes allowing our humanity and ALL humans have emotions.

Working smarter includes thinking powerful thoughts, feeling the feelings, and allowing the body to take powerful actions.

Want to start working smarter?

Acknowledge the feelings part of the thought, feeling, and action cycle and start using your feeling to take the powerful actions your body already knows to take.

Ready to start working smarter? I am here to support you. Schedule a consultation call today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Do you know you can be a very hard worker, always busy, and still be an underearning?

Do you know you can be a very hard worker, always busy, and still be an underearning?

Below are some common myths about underearners that you may be experiencing.

Below are some common myths about underearners that you may be experiencing.

1. Underearners are people who underwork.

Underearners may be some of the busiest, hard-working people you may have encountered. This may include you. They may be the person you see doing everything, volunteering their time, working overtime or multiple jobs, and being on all the committees. When I was an underearning, I was the first to raise my hand and volnteree to do everything for my employer. I believed the more productive and busy I was, the more money I would earn.

2. Underearers are people who are underachievers.

On the contrary, they are almost always overachievers but associate overachieving

with accomplishing many things. The mistake is not linking the achieving with our

earning protentional.

3. Underearners are people who have a low income.

The key to being an underearner is earning less than we want to and that we expect or

know we can earn. Thus our earning potential. An underearner can earn a million

dollars a year, but their earning potential is ten million dollars a year.

4. Underearners have low self-esteem or low self-concept.

One can have a high self-concept and still give their power away to others. They may know their worth and value and still not know their full worth and value by giving their power away to people, places and things or thinking their power is based on things outside them.

5. Underearners do not think of money or overspending.

Underearners think of money more than people who earn what they can earn because of their relationship with money. Underearners spend money to avoid their thoughts and feelings about money or start a business, work overtime, or get second and third jobs because of their belief about money.

When we work smarter, we understand why and where we are underearning, so we can change our patterns and earn what we want to earn.

Ready to work smarter and stop underearning? Schedule a consultation call today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

We work smarter when we understand if we are underearning

We work smarter when we understand if we are underearning and what we need to do to start earning what we want to earn.

According to Webster, underearning is the act of “earning less than might be expected.”

Or, according to Barbara Stanny, “Someone who makes less than she needs or desires despite efforts to do otherwise.”

Some of my hard-working and very intelligent clients are also underearners.

This is because underearning is not caused by underworking, underachieving, or having a low income.

It is caused by our thoughts, feelings, and actions that cause us to underearn.

It is caused by how we may have been raised or programmed, which has us repeating old patterns that create an experience where we earn less than we can or want to earn.

Some of my past underearning patterns were undervaluing my time by undercharging for my services and expertise, undervaluing my skills and wisdom and thus not requesting to be compensated for the value I was providing, not asking for a raise or when I did accept the excuses given, or not following through with opportunities to earn more that were offered to me or came my way.

When we work smarter, we not only earn what we want to earn but also understand how to avoid underearning.

Ready to start earning more money in less time by working smarter? I am here to support you.

Schedule a consultation call today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Six things the time management industry does not want you to know

Six things the time management industry does not want you to know and is causing you to be burnt out and make less money than others.

1. The concept of time is money.

Six things the time management industry does not want you to know and is causing you to be burnt out and make less money than others.

1. The concept of time is money.

Time is time, but the value we create in the time we have is what creates money. Money is created by the value we create using our minds.

2. We can manage time so that we can get more done.

Time is a mental construct; we do not manage time but actually manage our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the allotted time. Working smarter means understanding that we manage our minds and use our minds to create value in the allotted time.

3. Busyness and doing many actions make our lives more valuable.

Some actions or ways we spend our time are more valuable than others based on how much we think and feel about it. Creating a rewarding life is the experiences and value we create in the time we choose.

4. The more actions we take, or the more stressed and busy we are, the more productive we are.

Productivity decreases with time and the more busy and stressed we are. We can be more productive in 15 minutes by how we think and feel, by the valuable questions we ask ourselves, and by the problems we solve than someone who worked for 15 hours being busy and reacting.

5. The quantity of time spent on something increases the item's value.

The quality of a product, or the more valuable a product is, has zero to do with the time taken to create it. When we work on our minds through coaching, learning, asking powerful questions, and increasing our capacity to create massive value, we create unlimited money and opportunities for ourselves. One question or coaching session can forever change and make our life more valuable.

6. The more time we spend on something, the more productive we are.

Productivity is based on the result or finished product created. When we use our minds to create an outstanding finished product, it can use less time or be more effective than initially thought.

Ready to start making more money in less time by working smarter? I am here to support you.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Managing our minds and emotions to create higher yielding results.

I have always been driven to achieve more and create more in my life, and nothing has had more impact on my life and success than how I manage my mind and emotions.

In the past, my emotions were the last thing I would consider.

I have always been driven to achieve more and create more in my life, and nothing has had more impact on my life and success than how I manage my mind and emotions.

In the past, my emotions were the last thing I would consider.

I would avoid, buffer away or resist my emotions and not see how these actions cost me time, energy, and success.

Worse yet, others would see how I was not in touch with my emotions and manipulate me and my emotions to get their way.

Lord knows nothing is more exhausting and time-consuming than trying to avoid, buffer from, or resist your emotions when you are in a toxic environment that triggers your emotions intentionally.

Most clients come to me to learn how to work smarter and want to learn the actions to take and not take.

I teach them the importance of their thoughts and feelings in driving all their efforts and inactions.

Before learning to manage our emotions, we can do 20 things and be exhausted.

And after learning how to manage our emotions, we can do the same 20 things or more and be energized and motivated to do it again.

If we convert the 20 things into high-yielding actions, they create more results in less time and effort.

For example, in a toxic environment, we stop being a trigger and have honest conversations that create lasting and permanent change.

We will be further along and less exhausted than before.

I help my clients work smarter by learning how to manage their emotions and convert the actions to guarantee more success.

Ready to start working smarter? I can support you along your journey.

Schedule a consultation today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Do you feel exhausted at the end of your day? Do you dread doing the things that you want to do or fear that you will experience burnout from exhaustion?

Do you feel exhausted at the end of your day? Do you dread doing the things that you want to do or fear that you will experience burnout from exhaustion? I help my clients understand and find the root cause of exhaustion or burnout.

Do you feel exhausted at the end of your day? Do you dread doing the things that you want to do or fear that you will experience burnout from exhaustion? I help my clients understand and find the root cause of exhaustion or burnout. Some of the common misconceptions about exhaustion and burnout my clients have are:             

  • Exhaustion is caused by the number of actions we take. Exhaustion is caused by the thoughts and feelings from which we act.

  • Exhaustion is caused by something outside of us. Exhaustion is caused by us, in our bodies, and by what we make things mean.

  • Working smarter or doing things a certain way will eliminate exhaustion. Exhaustion can only be eliminated from the thoughts and feelings we choose to work smarter or do certain things from.

  • Burnout is caused by things outside us or the number of things that need to be done. Our thoughts and feelings about the things outside us cause burnout.

  • Burnout is caused by physical actions taken. Burnout is caused by activities like avoiding, buffering, and resisting things in our brain and our thought, feeling and action cycles when emotions arise.

  • Things outside us create energy depletion. Energy depletion is created by our mind and the patterns we choose to step into when things happen.

  • Everyone doing the same activities will feel exhaustion or burnout. Since each person has power and agency over their minds, they will feel differently about the activities and thus feel either energized or exhausted.

Working smarter has us choose the thought, feeling, and action cycles we choose on purpose to be in when we take the actions we want to take. It has us choosing on purpose what to do with emotions and what intentional thoughts, feelings, and actions we choose after we experience emotions.

I help my clients work smarter by empowering themselves to choose thoughts, feelings, and action cycles that not only create the results they want without burnout and exhaustion.

Ready to start working smarter and not harder while creating burnout or exhaustion? I can support you in your journey. Schedule a consultation.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Our journey determines how we will feel after we achieve our goal.

One of the most disappointing experiences I see my clients go through is not that they did not create their results but that they believed when they arrived where they wanted to be that it should feel differently, AND it does not.

One of the most disappointing experiences I see my clients go through is not that they did not create their results but that they believed when they arrived where they wanted to be that it should feel differently, AND it does not.

We think that we can hustle, white knuckle, force, and pressure ourselves to get the desired result, AND that we will automatically feel different when we get there.

We believe that the destination should be different than they journey, only to experience the destination more as an extension of the journey.

AND nothing is more disappointing than that realization.

AND worse is when our brains or others recommend setting another goal, AND the only example our brains give us is the one we just had with more hustling, white-knuckling, force, and pressure.

We wonder why we avoid, procrastinate, resist, or buffer away from committing to doing it again.

I hear, “If I have to do it the same way, why bother?”

I help my clients first understand why their last goal journey felt the way it did.

We then understand why the accomplishment of the goal feels the way it does.

AND eventually tweak and adjust how their new journey will be different with love, anticipation, and dedication to who they want to be along the way.

With this deeper understanding and unique found experience, my clients not only create the results they want while working smarter and not harder.

They also set bigger goals and experience their journeys and successes differently than before.

Schedule a consultation and learn how to guarantee your journey and achieve goals can feel amazing by working smarter and not harder.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

I used to think and teach it took 28 days to create a habit until I learned that we change our identity in a second.

I used to think and teach it took 28 days to create a habit until I learned that we change our identity in a second.

When we choose to work smarter, we understand that if it takes us a second to change our identity, then why do we need 28 days?

I used to think and teach it took 28 days to create a habit until I learned that we change our identity in a second.

When we choose to work smarter, we understand that if it takes us a second to change our identity, then why do we need 28 days?

Yes, the consistent and continuous act of taking the same action for 28 days will create the proof and evidence that we have changed AND make it easier for us to believe we are the person with the new habit.

However, the belief happened in a second.

Remember a time you decided “never again,” “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,” or “ I am done”?

We can choose to believe we are the person we want to be by thinking, feeling, and acting as the person who has the new habit, which will increase the chance we create the new habit.

With the prior belief,  on day 21, if we stopped taking action, we needed to start from day one.

But with an identity shift, if we stopped taking action on day 21, it only means we stopped taking action and can make day 22 day 21 and continue taking action.

With the prior belief, if we failed at our goal or failed at creating the proof and evidence, it meant we were not supposed to have our goal or become the person who can have our goal.

With an identity shift, failure is only a failure and data to learn and grow from.

Failure does not mean stopping, quitting, or confirming that you cannot achieve your goal.

I support my clients in creating identity shifts by working smarter and not harder.

Schedule a consultation and start working smarter today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

“I don’t have time” or “I have to find the time.”

“I don’t have time” or “I have to find the time.”

When I hear these two sentences in coaching, I know my client believes that our money goals are created by time, actions, or effort.

“I don’t have time” or “I have to find the time.”

When I hear these two sentences in coaching, I know my client believes that our money goals are created by time, actions, or effort.

They believe they need to work longer, take more actions, or put in more effort to create their income goals.

They are in the mindset that most of the world is in; hours worked will create the money goal.

This mindset works as an employee but only takes us so far in business.

If we work X hours and make Y dollars an hour, we can make XY dollars a week.

They believe to make more money, we need to work XX hours and increase our hourly rate to XY to make XXXY dollars a week eventually.

So when clients say, “I don’t have time” or “I have to find time, " they believe they need to find the time to do more, exert more effort or work more hours to create the desired results.

I teach my clients what makes money and how to create more money without working any longer or harder.

Simple mindset shifts and asking and answering simple questions can make a difference in the value created in the same X hours.

I can support you in identifying how to create more value without working longer or harder than necessary. Schedule a consultation call.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Confidence is 100% an inside job.

Confidence is something so many people want.

Confidence feels good and drives so much amazingness.

Unfortunately, most people do not know how to create confidence and are looking to things, people or places outside them to create confidence for them.

Confidence is 100% an inside job.

Of course, things can be created on the outside that will enhance the feeling of confidence, but the original spark of faith comes from inside you by how you think.

I teach my clients how to cultivate confidence inside them and how to become the confident person who goes out into the world and creates more confidence.

Everything we want starts from inside us and cannot be created from outside us.

Confidence is created by a belief that the worst thing that can happen is an emotion, we are willing to feel any emotion, no matter what, we will figure things out and we will have our back through it all.

From these beliefs, we show up feeling confident, which fuels all our actions and inaction.

From these beliefs, we show up confidently no matter what is happening around or if we have the results we are looking for.

When we seek confidence from outside us, confidence depends on the results and falters based on the results.

True confidence keeps us going before and especially after the results are there.

True confidence has you falling and getting back up and going back to action because you have your own back.

True confidence has you trusting yourself even if you did not show up as powerful as you could have, and is what has you creating awareness and deciding how to show up differently next time.

True confidence is a gift you get to give yourself.

Confidence is how we get twice as much done in half the time and achieve our biggest dreams.

Ready to learn how to create confidence anytime you need it? Schedule a consultation call.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Our relationship with ourselves is the most fundamental relationship and is the one that will create a thriving and lasting business.

Too many struggling businesswomen miss the importance of their relationship with themselves while trying to build a successful business.

Our relationship with ourselves is the most fundamental relationship and is the one that will create a thriving and lasting business.

Too many struggling businesswomen miss the importance of their relationship with themselves while trying to build a successful business.

Our relationship with ourselves is the most fundamental relationship and is the one that will create a thriving and lasting business.

Our relationship with ourselves will be the foundation of our relationship with our business, time, money, clients/customers, and goals.

Our relationship with ourselves will be reflected in our relationship with our body, money, other people, our business, and goals, and if it’s not in alignment, so will all the others.

When we miss this relationship, neglecting it and not taking care of it will result in it not helping us create what we want on the outside.

For example, a client will tell me they don’t trust their goal or a client/customer, and when we explore deeper, we find they don’t trust themselves.

Not because they are not trustworthy but because they have beaten themselves up or labeled themselves in an attempt to force themselves to take the action they want to take.

They have eroded their most fundamental relationship, and thus it is reflected on the outside.

When my clients start rebuilding their relationships with themselves, so do their relationships with everyone and everything else outside them.

They stop abandoning themselves or beating themselves up, and people, places, and things are drawn to them.

They start creating more results with ease and fun as their self-trust, self-determination, and commitment grow to make sure they set themselves up to succeed from love.

Schedule a consultation today and implement an sustainable relationship with yourself.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

One pattern I see with struggling businesswomen is trying to create the results they want versus choosing to be committed to creating the results they want.

One pattern I see with struggling businesswomen is trying to create the results they want versus choosing to be committed to creating the results they want.

When we try, we hope and pray we will get the results we want.

When we try, we hope and pray we will get the results we want.

We are expecting something or someone will create the results we want.

I see clients who are trying, advocating their responsibility to another author, podcaster, coach, or program to get them the results they want, hopefully.

When they think they will try, any action taken will be taken until something is not working, or until it gets hard, or until they get frustrated or disappointed, or until the results are not happening fast enough, and then they quit taking action.

When they are trying, they are negotiating with themselves or others on what actions need to be taken.

These patterns not only leave them exhausted and fatigued, but they also don’t create massive progress toward the results they want.

Without commitment, my clients will use willpower and force themselves through resistance and emotions to create more of the struggle they are trying to avoid.

I help my clients build their commitment to creating the desired results by becoming the person who can have the results they want.

As they develop commitment, they become emotionally mature and guarantee they will create the results they want

no matter what.

I teach commitment not only creates the life we want but also creates it in less time and energy.

We use commitment to push ourselves and our future selves into the lives and businesses we desire by becoming the future versions of ourselves now.

If you are questioning, but how?

I am here to support you in growing your commitment as you create the fun and juicy life you want. Schedule a consultation call.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Two skills I see missing in busy and struggling businesswomen are focus time and planning time.

Two skills I see missing in busy and struggling businesswomen are focus time and planning time.

They are busy taking random actions, jumping from task to task, or multitasking and diving into unproductive rabbit holes.

Before coaching and learning the skills I teach my clients, I would be busy all day with none to a few finished products to show for it.

I would have worked and been exhausted with nothing important completed to show my hard work.

After coaching and learning the skills I teach, I am more productive without working harder or longer as I not only work to produce a result in the scheduled time, but my productivity level is higher than ever before.

Focus time is time we schedule to allow us to dedicate our full attention to a project or task without distractions.

Planning is where we dedicate time to plan what projects and finished products we want to accomplish by the end of the week.

When both are used on purpose, and we use our highest brains to work, we are more productive because we complete more tasks and get the most critical and complex work completed, thus adding more value for our customers/clients.

More productivity in less time creates more value for our customers, increasing our income and success in less time and effort.

I am here to support you in building the skills of planning and focus time to create your business dreams without working harder or longer than necessary.

Schedule a consultation today.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Not thinking or considering our future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

One pattern I see struggling businesswomen repeat is not thinking or considering their future selves and kicking the "can down the road" for their future self to "fix."

It can be something as simple as "I don't feel like it" or more complex as "I don't know what to do, and she can figure it out."

The main issue is not that she will get it done, especially when it's important; she always has.

The issue is we don't set her up to succeed.

We don't give her opportunities to thrive and give her a chance to win.

We don't think about how she will think and feel as she cleans up after us.

I support my clients as they spend time hooking their future selves up and celebrating in advance as their future selves have a beautiful foundation to build on.

We step into feelings like proud, accomplished, and resolved to guarantee our future selves feel them too, by how we set her up to succeed.

When we feel these emotions now, not only do we guarantee our future selves do, but we also guarantee that is the energy we put into the world as we create our dreams.

If you want to learn how to support your current and future self to create what you want, I am here to support you.

 Schedule a consultation call.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Connecting two thoughts or concepts that are not intended to be connected cause us to work harder

One pattern I see with struggling businesswomen working harder and longer than necessary is connecting two thoughts or concepts that are not intended to be connected.

Our brain loves to connect multiple things in an attempt to create certainty, but sometimes the connections may be inaccurate or connect two things that are not connected.

One pattern I see with struggling businesswomen working harder and longer than necessary is connecting two thoughts or concepts that are not intended to be connected.

Our brain loves to connect multiple things in an attempt to create certainty, but sometimes the connections may be inaccurate or connect two things that are not connected.

For example, a businesswoman may get a no from one person, or one person may tell them their price is too high, and the businesswoman may conclude that no one wants to work with them, or everyone thinks their price is too high.

The sample size is too small, and the connection is just an inaccurate conclusion.

I watch them taking a ton of action to try to overcome this conclusion or have their brain gather proof and evidence on how these thoughts are true.

Any evidence gathered will support this inaccurate conclusion versus interpreting the evidence to invalidate the conclusion.

They may also change their niche, price, marketing, or product from this one conclusion when the only problem was what they made it mean.

I support my clients by helping them identify their thoughts and create a conclusion that will serve them in creating what they want to create.

Not only do they stop working harder, but this relationship with connection also impacts their income and goal creation.

If you want my support, I am here for you.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

One place I see struggling businesswomen get stuck is making challenges a problem

One place I see struggling businesswomen get stuck is making challenges a problem, not as a lesson

and opportunity to learn and grow into the future version of themselves.

When we make challenges a problem, we solve the problem or avoid the problem altogether.

One place I see struggling businesswomen get stuck is making challenges a problem, not as a lesson and opportunity to learn and grow into the future version of themselves.

When we make challenges a problem, we solve the problem or avoid the problem altogether.

We spend time and energy solving for something we created with our brains and using our brains. As

Einstein famously said, “we cannot solve a problem from the same mind that created them.”

Challenges are lessons here to help us evolve into the leaders and CEOs we want to become.

Challenges are just opportunities to grow our capacity to think, feel and act in a way to create the life and businesses we want.

Challenges are why people hire us or buy our products.

Challenges are part of growing successful businesses and making money.

When in error, we make challenges a problem to be solved or avoided, we keep ourselves in the place we do not want to be.

The more challenges we experience, the more valuable our brain becomes and, thus, the more value we put into the world.

And as business people, the more value we put into the world, the more money we earn.

If you want to grow your capacity to manage challenges, I am here to support you.

Schedule a Consultation session.

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Ruth Duren Ruth Duren

Hard-working struggling businesswomen take a ton of action to allow us to think or feel a certain way.

One pattern I see with hard-working, struggling businesswomen is we take a ton of action to allow ourselves to think or feel a certain way.

If we watched ourselves for a day, we would be impressed by how busy we were.

One pattern I see with hard-working, struggling businesswomen is we take a ton of action to allow ourselves to think or feel a certain way.

If we watched ourselves for a day, we would be impressed by how busy we were.

Our to-do list is full of actions to be taken for our business, or our family, or other people.

The problem is not what we are doing but how we are doing it.

We go to our actions if we need something to change or improve.

We ask ourselves what we can do differently, and the answer is in our actions.

Maybe by adding more actions or doing the actions, we are already doing differently.

The problem is not what we are doing or how we are doing it, but what we think or feel about ourselves and the reasons for doing the actions.

For example, setting a goal to feel worthy and hoping we will feel worthy by achieving it, and then taking action to make us feel worthy.

This has us advocating our feeling of worthiness to something outside us or our actions.

So if we are not creating the goal or the feeling of worthiness from the external thing, our solution is to change the goal or change the actions to create the feeling of worthiness.

My job as our coach is to teach us how to feel worthy and set the goal from the feeling of worthiness; thus, all actions that come are already from the feeling of worthiness.

This method increases the chances of creating the goals we want and has us enjoying the journey as we create our goals.

Any action we take communicates the feeling of worthiness to ourselves and anyone receiving the actions.

Different decisions are made, and if they are different actions, we already come from the energy of worth.

If you are ready to learn how to believe you are already worthy, I have done it and I can help you.

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