One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and look for answers to their problems outside them.
One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and
look for answers to their problems outside them.
A client will come to me and ask for a book, podcast, lesson, or guru to help them solve something in their life or business.
One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is that they do not trust their intuition and look for answers to their problems outside them.
A client will come to me and ask for a book, podcast, lesson, or guru to help them solve something in their life or business.
When I help them explore the real problem, what the cause of the problem was and what they think the solution may be.
They are always surprised by the cause of the problem, AND the solution was already inside them all along.
They already had the answers to take the next action but did not trust themselves and their intuition.
Do not get me wrong, there is always room for learning more and picking up Pearls of wisdom from others, but finding the solution to the real problem starts with going inside.
Clients will say, “I don’t know,” but when I ask them, “what if you knew?” their creativity and genuineness come out.
I also love to ask my clients, “I wonder what would happen, “ and my client's wisdom, creativity, and genuineness always blow my mind as, most of the time, the fantastic combination was beyond even my educated and creative mind.
So, I wonder what would happen if you believed you already had the solution to your problem?
I wonder where you would spend your time, money, and energy if you trusted your intuition and listened to them carefully for its wisdom.
Schedule a consultation to learn how to tap into your wisdom and intuition
Belief that people reaching out to is the only way to identify if their marketing or their business is working.
One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is the belief that people reaching out to them is the only way to identify if their marketing or their business is working.
They expect people to be reaching out to them, calling them, sending them messages or emails, or just telling them they want to work with them as an indication of success.
One pattern I notice with struggling businesspeople is the belief that people reaching out to them is the only way to identify if their marketing or their business is working.
They expect people to be reaching out to them, calling them, sending them messages or emails, or just telling them they want to work with them as an indication of success.
My response is maybe and maybe not.
Yes, it is nice to get the instant gratification of people telling us that what we are doing is working by telling us.
The problem is we miss that for every person who reaches out, over ten more will not reach out until they are ready to work with us or pay us.
When we only focus on the one who is not reaching out and stop talking to them because we believe our business or marketing is not working, we also stop talking to the ten-plus who are paying attention to us.
Another pearl of wisdom I share with my clients is to go and find their people.
When we are passively waiting for people to reach out to us, and they don’t, we stop marketing or showing up; we miss the many more out there and need to be told why working with you will solve their pain point.
The work is believing that you have the solution to their pain point, finding and telling them that you have the answer to their pain point.
When we passively wait or need them to do the work for us, we work so much harder and longer than necessary, giving our power and belief to individuals who do not have the ability to build our business and marketing for us.
The key is using our time, money, and energy to believe that our people are out there, looking for a solution we have and going to tell them over and over again where they are.
The work is believing in them before they believe in themselves and showing them through our consistent and massive actions until they believe that you can help them and that they can solve their problems with your help.
If you would like to learn how to create belief, especially when you have no evidence to support it, I can help you.
Schedule a consultation.
Making decisive decision regarless of the worst-case scenario
Do you know one of the reasons we avoid making decisive decisions is because we fear the worst-case scenario?
Our brain has already played out the possible worst-case scenario, and it is scared of it.
I help my clients go to the worst-case scenario, and they play it out.
We spend time there and look for all the possible outcomes.
Even in the worst-case scenario, life will still be 50 positive and 50 negative.
When my clients see this, their brains calm down, and they can make a decision and realize that no matter what happens, there is no right or wrong decision, AND if the worst-case scenario plays out, they will still experience life at 50/50.
Without this awareness, my clients take a ton of action trying to find the perfect decision by polling, evaluating, looking at the past, worrying, resisting emotions, etc.
This has them spending time and energy in indecision debt.
When we play out the worst-case scenario, we make decisions faster AND make the decision the best decision.
They can move from trying to decide to deciding AND creating the life and business they want without working harder and longer than necessary.
If you want to learn how to make decisive decisions AND make those decisions the best decisions, I can help you.
I believe everyone gets 100 quarts a day, and we spend it every day just like time.
I love using analogies, and one I use to create a visual for my clients is that we all start our day with 100 quarts of energy.
I believe everyone gets 100 quarts a day, and we spend it every day just like time.
I love using analogies, and one I use to create a visual for my clients is that we all start our day with 100 quarts of energy.
I believe everyone gets 100 quarts a day, and we spend it every day just like time.
And just like time, how we use it will create our experience of it and how accomplished we feel at the end of the day.
Like time, we can borrow from our future selves by not making decisive decisions today and putting them off for our future selves to solve.
And just like money, we can get into energy debt by putting off what we can do today for tomorrow or borrowing from tomorrow’s energy by how we spend our night and sleep.
Or, just like time, we can use it in ways that have them being spent without a finished product or movement toward our goals.
Benign things like how we approach relationships, people pleasing, having manuals, emotional childhood, emotional manipulation, procrastination, and self-sabotage can deplete our energy bank.
Another way is how we experience emotions; resisting, avoiding, and compounding emotions can impact how we spend the quarts of energy.
When I disclose these patterns to my clients, and they see why they are tired or even burnt out, they
can make lasting changes that impact every area of their lives.
And because how we do one thing is how we do everything, once my clients stop spending their
energy reserves in one relationship, every single relationship, including the one with time, money, their business, and themselves uplevels.
These adjustments have my clients living fuller lives AND creating their goals faster.
Where are you spending your quarts of energy, and what would happen if you invested them for a brighter future?
I can help you.
Buffering in business
As a life coach who coaches businesswomen, I noticed that struggling businesswomen have their own form of buffering.
Buffering is a term used in coaching to describe an action done not to feel “negative” emotions.
We can clearly see buffering when someone overeats not to feel negative emotions and weigh more than they want to or spend money to feel better, creating debt or extra clutter in the home.
In business, the buffering is in the form of taking a ton of non-income producing activity like cleaning the office or inventory, taking another training or reading another book, taking a ton of the same action without evaluating if the action is producing the result we want or even questioning why not, or even spinning in mind-drama and turning the discomfort of growth into drama and blaming.
When a businesswoman is busy blaming the economy, the market, or anything else outside of her, instead of sitting with the uncomfortable emotions AND tweaking her marketing, her product/service, or her presentation and mindset, she is buffering with blame.
Yes, the blame seems necessary, but it advocates responsibility to something outside ourselves instead of feeling the discomfort, taking responsibility, and deciding to do something different.
And just like other forms of buffering, this one has us taking a ton of action and leaves us earning less than we want to earn.
"Back to Basics"
I have always been an accountant at heart, and I studied accounting in High School in Kenya.
I remember the teachers stressing the importance of understanding the debits and the credits and the accounting formula (assets = liabilities + Shareholder’s Equity).
It did not make sense to my young brain why they would harp on such a basic concept.
When I attended the university and took advanced accounting, the professors did the same thing.
I remember classmates complaining, especially since there is computer software that could enter the debits and the credits and spit out reports.
They did not understand why we needed to understand the basics of accounting.
And the professors said it was for us to understand the reports the programs were producing and tell if they were correct as human error happens.
I still did not get it until I worked for an organization and noticed that the income statement was off.
Without understanding the simple debits and credits, we would not have been able to correct a human error.
I say all this because, in business and goal creation, we need to understand the basics to create what we want and, most importantly, recreate what we want.
If we find ourselves with or without the goals we want, do we understand step by step why or why not?
If we have been successful in one area, can we recreate it in another area because we know the basics of how the success was created?
Not understanding or being aware of the basics has too many businesspeople struggling and working harder than necessary.
I help my clients break down the basics, understand them and use them to create what they want.
The bonus is they are not only able to take the basics to other goals; they too can teach others to recreate the any goals.
Tony Robbins says, “Success leaves clues,” and not knowing what the clues have cost us time, money, and success.
If you are ready to “get back to basics” and understand what creates success, I can help you.
“Knowledge is power.”
“Knowledge is power.”
We have all heard this said, which is why most of us have advanced degrees or read a ton of books, listen to a ton of podcasts, etc.
“Knowledge is power.”
We have all heard this said, which is why most of us have advanced degrees or read a ton of books, listen to a ton of podcasts, etc.
We have seen the effects of knowledge in our lives.
Knowledge took me from being a preschool teacher’s assistant earning $7.50 an hour to graduating with my MBA and earning $30 an hour and now earning over $100 an hour or more as a coach.
Knowledge took my family from living paycheck to paycheck to actively working on our inheritance and legacy.
Knowledge is powerful, AND just like anything else in the world, it too has gets to a point of diminishing return.
I see my clients struggling to grow their businesses and up-leveling their lives spinning in the knowledge cycle, gaining more knowledge, signing up for more programs, reading more books, listening to more podcasts, etc. AND missing that knowledge without action will not create the results they want.
Knowing what to do AND not taking action costs us time, money, and energy.
The knowledge we acquire is only as effective or impactful as the actions they inspire.
Going past the uncomfortable emotions to take the actions that will create the desired results and taking the challenging and uncomfortable actions that suck, to reap the rewards on the other end by what is created.
OR just by upleveling and becoming the person who can take inspired action.
More knowledge will only go so far if we are unwilling to process the disappointment of trying to do something and not getting the desired result.
More knowledge will not help us decide which path to take when there are no guarantees on the other end, except maybe growth and evolution.
So yes, knowledge is power, AND applied knowledge is even more powerful.
Creating the result, we want with the knowledge is even more rewarding.
If you have a ton of knowledge BUT don’t have the results from the knowledge, I can help you.
I help my clients identify what is between them and the life and business they know they can have AND overcome that to take them to where they have the wisdom from becoming the person who has applied all the fantastic wisdom they have gathered.
What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want in your life?
What do you want to create if you allow yourself to feel the shame or guilt that comes after you admit you want it?
Looking past the shame or guilt that others may not or cannot have what you want?
What would you admit you want?
This honesty is brutal for most of us to acknowledge.
We hide or shy away from admitting we want things and stop when we encounter shame or guilt.
Be it from our thoughts or what we think others will think about our wants.
We are allowed to want what we want AND have what we want to.
The feelings are based on what we make our desires mean.
Our emotions come from our thoughts and never from our wants.
Our wants are neutral and bring some people shame and guilt AND other people pride and enjoyment because it is never the wants that drive our feeling.
When we miss what creates our feelings AND we can want what we want, we work harder and longer than necessary.
If you are ready to admit to yourself that you want what you want AND create what you want without working harder or longer than necessary, I can help you.
A pattern I see that costs my clients and me time, money and success is doing things for others they can do for themselves.
A pattern I see that costs my clients and me time, money, and success is doing things for others they can do for themselves.
One of my patterns used to be I believed I could just quickly do it.
A pattern I see that costs my clients and me time, money and success is doing things for others they can do for themselves.
One of my patterns used to be I believed I could just quickly do it.
I believed it was just easier or faster if I just did it.
At that point, it made sense to just get it over with and move on to the next thing.
The problem was that the person I was “just doing it for” never learned how to do it for themselves and needed me in the future to “just do it for them” again.
Also, as I was “doing it for them, " my work and responsibilities’ were not getting done or getting the attention required to get it done to the best of my abilities.
At the end of the day, I could say I accomplished a lot, but it was never my best work OR for the highest good for all involved and our futures.
The other problem was that as I moved up in leadership or responsibilities, I was spending time doing things that others were better skilled at and not focusing on higher income-producing activities.
Some of the growth I required was to learn how to delegate, teach others how to do for themselves, or even allow others to fail to grow.
I had to be uncomfortable, allowing others to be uncomfortable and tap into their creativity to get things done.
Sometimes I was amazed and impressed by the creativity of the other people.
Most importantly, when I gave myself enough brain space, creativity, and time to finish my work, the finished products were of better and higher value.
Thus creating more of the results I wanted without working longer or harder than necessary.
Not honoring our word to ourselves erodes our relationship with ourselves and costs us time, money, and success.
Not honoring our word to ourselves erodes our relationship with ourselves and costs us time, money, and success.
Not honoring our word to ourselves erodes our relationship with ourselves and costs us time, money, and success. Sometimes we may think no one will know, but WE will know.
We always know when we said we would do something for ourselves, AND we know when we are not holding up our end of the deal.
This also shows up when we build a business, lose weight, build a retirement, etc., because how we do one thing is how we do everything.
I noticed my clients who struggle to create our dreams had one thing in common: not keeping our word to ourselves.
We say we will do XYZ on Monday, and come Monday, and we don’t do what we said we would.
However, if we told Susie Q we would do XYZ on Monday for her, we would be there no matter what.
This pattern communicates that we are not as important as Susie Q, that our relationship with ourselves does not matter as much as the relationship with Susie, and that our respect and trust in ourselves do not matter as much.
These tiny little cuts into our relationship with ourselves significantly impact our self-trust, self-respect, and self-love.
The interesting thing is when we start honoring our word to ourselves and know beyond a reason of doubt, we will keep our word to ourselves, we still keep our words to others, but because we love ourselves too much and would not agree to meet or do anything for Susie Q that we are not in alignment with.
The stronger our self-trust, the more people can trust us.
The additional bonus is my clients start creating more of the dreams they want, including stronger relationships with themselves and others.
If you are ready to learn how to honor your word to yourself while creating the life and business of your dreams without working harder or longer, I can help you.
How many times do we have to pay for the same mistake?
How many times do we have to pay for the same mistake?
Our answer to this question will be a tell-tell sign of how hard we work to create our dreams.
As a child, I punished myself multiple times for the same offense; once, when I realized I had messed up, I confessed and was punished, and in the future, I reminded myself that I messed up in the hopes of not repeating the mistake.
I took this pattern into adulthood and punished myself multiple times for the same offense.
The irony is that this pattern did not reduce the offenses, just my self-trust and my relationship with myself.
As I progressed in my personal development journey, my mentors kept showing me the pattern and how it was costing me my enjoyment of my current life.
Punishing myself for the same offense slowed me down and eroded the one relationship I wanted the most; my desire to trust me unconditionally.
Of course, this pattern was reflected on the people in my life, but that is a story for another day.
I started noticing the cost of this pattern, and my goal is to eventually not punish myself; I will admit I still punish myself, but only once—one offense, one punishment.
Without the constant beatdown and increased self-trust, I can make mistakes, forgive myself faster and move on to other things.
I have noticed my level of self-trust has increased, and so has the trust I have with the people in my life.
How many times do you have to pay for the same mistake?
Even one less beatdown can help you achieve your dreams faster without working harder or longer than necessary.
Confidence is something so many people want.
Confidence is something so many people want.
Confidence feels good and drives so much amazingness.
Unfortunately, most people do not know how to create confidence and are looking to things, people or places outside them to create confidence for them.
Confidence is 100% an inside job.
Of course, things can be created on the outside that will enhance the feeling of confidence, but the original spark of faith comes from inside you by how you think.
I teach my clients how to cultivate confidence inside them and how to become the confident person who goes out into the world and creates more confidence.
Everything we want starts from inside us and cannot be created from outside us.
Confidence is created by a belief that the worst thing that can happen is an emotion, we are willing to feel any emotion, no matter what, we will figure things out and we will have our back through it all.
From these beliefs, we show up feeling confident, which fuels all our actions and inaction.
From these beliefs, we show up confidently no matter what is happening around or if we have the results we are looking for.
When we seek confidence from outside us, confidence depends on the results and falters based on the results.
True confidence keeps us going before and especially after the results are there.
True confidence has you falling and getting back up and going back to action because you have your own back.
True confidence has you trusting yourself even if you did not show up as powerful as you could have, and is what has you creating awareness and deciding how to show up differently next time.
True confidence is a gift you get to give yourself.
Confidence is how we get twice as much done in half the time and achieve our biggest dreams.
Ready to learn how to create confidence anytime you need it? Schedule a consultation call.
I love the analogy of thoughts being like rocks in bags.
I love the analogy of thoughts being like rocks in bags.
I use this analogy, especially when I teach my clients how they are working harder and longer to create the results they want.
And just because we can carry heavy loads does not mean we have to.
My clients will come to me and use terms like “I feel heavy, or it feels heavy,” “I just feel pulled down,” or “I have a weight on my shoulders.”
I visualize the things weighing them down as bags full of rocks.
My clients will be walking up the steep hills but carrying the extra weight on their shoulders.
Coaching with me is like identifying what the rocks are and deciding to give them back or drop them.
The hike up the hill is challenging enough.
We can benefit from dropping the extra heavyweight—for example, a client who caters her life and business actions to other people's opinions. Every opinion is a rock. Before they can take a step like a post on social media, they need to evaluate each post based on all the opinions. By the time they post, they have picked up each rock, analyzed it, evaluated it, and decided how the post will impact all the opinions.
When we decide to give everyone their rocks back, we can just decide we want to post something like our reason and allow everyone to deal with the extra weight of their rocks.
When given their rocks/opinions back, most people drop them because they do not like the excess weight.
AND when we give them their rocks back, they drop them as they don’t want to be carrying them either.
AS my clients move closer to their goals, their bags get lighter, and it’s normal for my clients to set bigger goals as they see how amazing and strong, they always have been.
If you are ready to learn how you are working harder and longer than necessary to make your dreams come true, I can help you.
“what if I love myself too much and I don’t want to take action?”
When I teach my clients the power of using love, kindness, and compassion to take action and create their goals, the most common question I get is, “what if I love myself too much and I don’t want to take action?”
Currently, my clients will be using force or negative reinforcement to take the action they desire, and it leaves them exhausted, depleted, and sometimes burnt out.
My answer is always to have them think of a person or thing they love and how motivated they are from love.
For example, a client will work longer hours or take on more assignments to pay for extracurricular activities for their child because they love watching their child participate in the activities.
Or a client who will work a job they don’t particularly enjoy because they love the privilege of what the job provides them, like food, shelter, and clothing.
Love inspires us to do things we would not typically want to do.
Love is a powerful emotion, and it taps into our creativity.
Love will have us do uncomfortable and challenging things just to experience more of the beautiful feeling.
Spend time feeling love and ask yourself, “what would love do?”.
Think of how hard you will work for someone you love and who is kind to you.
Why would it be different when it comes to ourselves?
Spend time gathering proof and evidence of things you have done, sometimes moving mountains for love.
Think of times you have even worked harder for love and how rewarding it was.
When I started keeping track of things I did from love, I noticed I worked hard but never felt exhausted.
I walk miles for my dogs because I love them and love watching them sleep when they are drained.
I went to school for my master's because I made more money to pay for my daughter's dance and loved watching her on stage dancing her heart out or loved hearing how proud she was of herself after learning a hard move.
I paid for sports for my sons because I loved sitting at the dining room table and hearing them talk sports with their father or watching them on the field or mat, pushing themselves to do things they once thought were impossible.
The same applies to us; we can get to impossible things from the feeling of love.
Spend the next week asking yourself, “what would love do?” and keep track of the amazing creativity and inspiration that comes from love.
Ready to learn more ways we can take the actions we always wanted and create the business of our dreams without experiencing exhaustion or burnout? I can help you.
Could your interpretations of words be costing you time, money and success?
Understanding our cultural interpretation of words can make a huge difference in our lives and thus the experiences we have in the world and our businesses.
We are taught in personal development to take full responsibility for our thought, feelings, actions, and thus the results we are creating in the world.
Sounds fantastic and straightforward.
I thought so too for years until I noticed that my understanding of responsibility meant the need for blaming.
When I saw it, my understanding and association in my brain went from taking responsibility to taking the action of blaming so that we could fix the problem.
My default thinking was that something had to have gone wrong for us to take responsibility, and we needed to fix it by blaming and shaming, so we could not repeat it.
So interesting enough, I avoided and skirted taking full responsibility and creating awareness because it would mean I would blame myself and fix myself.
I avoided reviewing and evaluating patterns, thus creating changes and desired growth.
All felt heavy and something I needed to avoid.
But when I saw this pattern and noticed that this interpretation was not producing the desired result, I was empowered to look at what I wanted to make taking responsibility mean.
If I come from love, empowerment, and reprogrammed my brain to look at it from the most compassionate and graceful place, blame was not in the picture.
I choose to look at taking responsibility as a clean and loving thing.
Once my body and I unconditionally trusted me, and it was safe to create pure awareness from clean responsibility, my relationship with myself grew stronger.
The most loving and compassionate conversations have been happening, which in turn fuel actions that I always wanted for ease and fun.
I could easily extend the same grace and love to others in my life, thus creating more collaborative and creative relationships.
If you, too, have a pattern of blaming, let’s find what you believe blame will fix or avoid.
Let’s find your interpretations of words, and let us replace them with more effective and impactful variations that will take you to where you want to go.
Schedule a consultation call, and let us have an honest and loving conversation.
Negative reinforcement works UNTIL it does not work.
Negative reinforcement works UNTIL it does not work.
My clients have a strong history of using negative reinforcement to create their goals in the past.
They have tons of proof and evidence when it worked from their family of origin and maybe during their college days.
Unfortunately, negative reinforcement only works when we are driven by external motivation like avoiding punishment, failing, survival or taking care of your four basic needs; food, shelter, clothing and utilities.
Negative reinforcement does not work for internal-driven desires like building a business you want.
For example; negative reinforcement works when you have a medical diagnoses that requires you to lose weight, eat healthy and work out.
However, it will not work when you want to lose weight to be healthier or fit in a outfit you like.
My clients will try to use negative reinforcement to create their dreams and struggle because it does not work.
I help my clients reprogram their brains and patterns from using negative reinforcement to using more effective tools and skills that guarantees they create their goals without working harder than necessary.
If you have tried using old tools and skills that worked at one time, but now are only fustrautaing and exhausting you, I can help you.
Watch a reply of a training I did and learn ways you are working harder and longer than necessary to create your dream business.
How to create our goals faster with reduced stress and burnout
My life has changed dramatically in the last two months and in ways that would have stressed me out in the past but have resulted in so much more love, compassion, grace, AND even faster goal creation.
We have heard it can be easy and fun to create our goals
OR We need to have love and compassion to create our goals
AND if you are like me, you most likely secretly said “bullshit, not possible”.
AND secretly, you, like me, may still use force and pressure to try to create our goals.
Using harsh words, trying to force round pegs into square holes, getting frustrated and overwhelmed, getting exhausted, and all while watching others do it faster with fun and ease.
My default was to believe I was broken; something was wrong with me OR worse yet, I was not good enough as my humanness or human value was broken and needed to be fixed.
NO HUMAN IS BROKEN, just the tools being used, just the skills being used, how they are being used and the energy the actions are coming from.
So with the change I had no choice but to accept there was a different more loving and compassionate way AND the universe and all the work I have done in the past STEPPED up big time.
Nothing I have done in the past was wasted, and was just a solid foundation to when I changed the energy being used things, goals, desire and dreams just clicked into place AND in ways I could have NEVER forced, controlled or fixed.
With love, grace, and compassion for me, I am taking care of myself in ways I could have never imagined, thus making it easy to take care of the things and people in my life.
With grace, love, and compassion, when things do not go as planned OR humans do human things like getting sick, OR when we underestimate things like the energy or actions or time, we can recover so much faster AND redirect as needed.
If you are going, sounds good, BUT how?
I can help you. Schedule a consultation call and let us have a conversation.
labels and how they stop us from growing and becoming the best versions of ourselves.
Let’s talk about how culturally we use labels and how they stop us from growing and becoming the best versions of ourselves.
My clients will come to me and have a ton of labels; I am a quitter, I bring shame to my family, I am not enough, I chase the shiny object, I am not smart, and the list goes on and on.
When we accept the label, the problem is that it becomes our default operating manual.
It becomes how we show up in the world.
It has us giving up the responsibility of creating the life and business of our dreams.
It takes away our power to create something different in the world.
For example, if we label ourselves as a quitter and things get hard, or we experience the ups and downs of life, we default and quit.
We just accept it as who we are and reinforce that label versus someone who believes, sometimes they take the action of quitting.
They not only see the times they did not quit but also gather evidence of times they kept showing up no matter what.
They also have options, and the decision to quit was not taken lightly.
If they do quit, it was because it was a choice they made and they liked their reason.
My advice for my clients is always to clean up their labels and not to pigeonhole themselves into labels.
I show them the power of choosing who they want to be and how that evolves over time.
The more my clients drop their labels, the more empowered they are to take massive action and create the results they want without working harder or longer.
One of the ways my clients work so much harder than they need to is their fear and avoidance of feeling emotions.
One of the ways my clients work so much harder than they need to is their fear and avoidance of feeling emotions.
Let us talk about a hypothetical client Susy.
Susy has experienced negative emotions in her childhood, sometimes from trauma or sometimes from the stories she told herself as a child.
The feelings were painful, and she created a protection structure to protect her from feeling or experiencing negative emotions.
This protection structure has worked for years and has kept her safe.
The problem comes because this protection structure makes her work harder and is exhausting, so she has a limited amount of energy and bandwidth left over after a regular day.
Susy has a desire to build a successful business and has a vision of the long time impact of the business on her children and the lifestyle it will afford her.
She approaches marketing her business and is taking the actions and is not getting the results she wants because she needs to be creative, think about her client, and visualize her client's pain points and the before and after effects of working with Susy.
It sounds simple when you have brain space and the capacity to be creative, but remember, Susy does not have that energy available to her after just surviving to get the basics done daily.
She is working hard not to experience negative emotions that her bandwidth is low, and really spending time in her client's brain and thinking creatively is exhausting.
My goal as her coach is to retrain her brain to accept and feel negative emotions.
To process the stories that caused the negative emotions and the process her default brain goes through when negative emotions happen.
This new pattern gives her back brain space, energy, and bandwidth to be creative and spend more time and energy on her ideal client and how to help them solve their problems.
This gives her back power and bandwidth to create the results she wants in her business and take care of herself and her family.
She can think creatively and implement systems and processes that create fantastic results while saving her even more, time and energy.
She can make more money without working harder and longer, but she can also create a solid foundation for this to be her new normal.
She creates a system to create so much more in her life and live the life she dreamed of.
If you like Susy, have a dream and struggle, I can help you. Schedule a consultation call.
The energy we use to take action will result in results or exhaustion
My clients will tell me they are exhausted because of what they are doing.
They list the things they did as evidence of why they are exhausted.
I always question the thought and think of times they have done the same amount of things and felt energized.
They always have an example, and the difference is how they were thinking and feeling about the actions.
One person can go to the gym, not want to do it, tell themselves a ton of stories about why they don't belong at the gym or why gyms don't work.
And another person can go to the gym to do it by loving themselves, their body, and the healthy body they are creating.
We will be able to see the difference in the number of reps, the speed of transition, or even the number of breaks or distractions allowed.
Both may do the same workout, but only one will feel energized because of the thoughts and feelings they used to take a ton of actions.
So if you are exhausted, look at the thoughts and feelings you are using to take the actions.
It may be coming from scarcity, force, or wanting to avoid something.
Sometimes it's thinking there will be better than here, but forgetting we will never arrive at a place where we will not have a whole human experience.
When we clean up the energy we take action from, my clients and I create more in the world and make more money without working harder or longer.
If you are interested in changing the fuel you use to take action; I can help you. Schedule a consultation session and learn identify the energy/fuel you are using to take action.